AWS CMH098 - Paemahi Kaupapa Tūmatanui
07th Kohitātea 2025, CMH 072 Energization
We will be energizing in phase 06 the USB Gears downstream to the PDC's Please respect boundaries for energization area.
11th Hakihea 2024, Energizing CLP panel, CPP Panel, CPP XFMR A and B side at 2:30 today
Authorized personnel in energization zone only please respect boundaries
03rd Hakihea 2024, Phase 5 HPP and HLP panel board energization
Authorized attendance only please respect the boundaries
Huarere Paemahi Onāianei
Rohe Wā - Wā Arowhānui Rāwhiti
Matapae - Rāhoroi, 18 Kohitātea
Āpōpō - Rātapu, 19 Kohitātea
E mōhio ana rānei koe ki ngā Whakaritenga PPE mō tēnei paemahi?
Āta tiaki kei a koe ngā taputapu haumarutanga tika mō tō rā tuatahi i te paemahi.
Tīmata wawe ake ina tae koe ki te paemahi.
Whakaotia tuihonotia tō rēhitatanga paemahi ina pai koe hei penapena tāima.
E mōhio ana rānei koe ki ngā Whakaritenga PPE mō tēnei paemahi?
Āta tiaki kei a koe ngā taputapu haumarutanga tika mō tō rā tuatahi i te paemahi.
Tīmata wawe ake ina tae koe ki te paemahi.
Whakaotia tuihonotia tō rēhitatanga paemahi ina pai koe hei penapena tāima.